Give Yourself a Face Lift with Makeup

Makeup has the power to transform, and there are certain techniques that you can use to instantly give yourself a youthful and radiant appearance. From knowing how to contour to learning where to highlight, OROGOLD has put together some top tips on how to give yourself a facelift through the clever use of makeup.

Make Contouring Your Very First Step
When applying your makeup, contouring should be the first thing that you do, even before applying your foundation. To create the illusion of high cheekbones, OROGOLD suggests using a darker shade under your cheekbones and a lighter shade above. This will all help to accentuate your cheekbones, making your appearance immediately seem much more youthful.

Woman applying highlighter

Use A Pearlescent Highlighter
One of the best ways to give your face an instant lift is with the careful use of a pearlescent highlighter. This can be in the form of a powder, liquid or cream – OROGOLD suggests choosing the formula that best suits your skin type. Apply the highlighter to the tops of your cheekbones, as well as to the apples of your cheeks, the arch of your brows and the bridge of your nose. The pearlescent qualities of the formula will emphasize the way in which the highlighter catches the light, giving your face a bright and youthful appearance.

Minimize Age Spots
Age spots can be frustrating to cover up, but there are now many products on the market that are designed to do just so. Color correcting products come in many different forms, from serums to primers to concealers, so choose the ones that work best in your daily makeup routine. Age spots are usually best erased with an orange or peach corrector, while a green shade is extremely effective at hiding any redness. Once you have applied the corrector, layer your foundation over it, making sure that your foundation is a moisturizing one, to give your face a dewy appearance throughout the day.

Woman tweezing eyebrows

Maintain Your Brows
Well-sculpted brows that show no signs of thinning can really bring out the youthful qualities of a face. OROGOLD recommends brushing your brows upwards, tweezing away any stray hairs that are underneath the arch, as this can give the illusion of dragging your brows down and making you look older. If your brows have any sparse or thinning areas, OROGOLD would suggest filling them in carefully with an eyebrow powder or pencil. You should also use these products to make sure that your arch is well-defined, as this will give your whole eye area an instant lift. Once you have perfected your brows, don’t forget to apply a brow gel or a clear mascara to set them.

You don’t need to be an expert with makeup to understand how to give your face a bit of a lift with a few techniques. From contouring and highlighting to bring out your natural features, to using color correcting products to even out your skin’s appearance, these makeup tricks will each give you fantastic, and immediate, results.

Makeup Tricks for Every Type of Skin

When it comes to beauty and makeup, there is so much to learn that even experts can sometimes feel overwhelmed. However, if you’ve ever wondered about those little makeup secrets that all the professionals seem to know, then you’re in the right place, as OROGOLD has put together some fantastic makeup tricks for every type of skin.

Color wheel

Color Theory
Color theory is something that every makeup user should be aware of, and is the foundation when it comes to successful makeup techniques. Find a color wheel online, as you are likely to need this extra guidance at the beginning. Opposite colors cancel each other out, meaning that if you have a red pimple, applying a green-toned concealer is the best way to hide it. This is a trick that many makeup artists use, and a color wheel really is so useful when it comes to working out which shades work best with your skin tone or eye color.

Highlighter Underneath Foundation
This is a great way to achieve the ‘glowing from within’ look that many celebrities are sporting these days. By applying your highlighter before applying your foundation, your complexion will be given a natural-looking glow that will stick around throughout the day.

Finish Your Foundation With Your Fingers
Foundation needs to look smooth and blend well into your skin, and while it can sometimes be difficult to achieve this with brushes, your fingers will never fail you. By using your fingers, you will be able to gently press the foundation into your skin, without leaving a spotty or streaky finish. The warmth from your hands will also help to heat the foundation up, which makes it much easier to blend.

Woman using a concealer.

Hide Dark Circles
Dark circles are something that we all experience at one point or another, no matter what our skin type may be. While you may usually reach for concealer or foundation to hide these, there is a much better way to go about it. OROGOLD recommends first preparing the area under your eyes with an eye cream that is hydrating and quick to absorb, such as the OROGOLD 24K Dark Circle Eye Solution. Then, apply a corrector to cover over any green or purple tones, before following this up with the concealer that you usually use.

Use HD Powder Sparingly
HD powder has become extremely popular in recent years, giving the skin a soft but flawless look, hiding any imperfections for the camera, thereby making the product a favorite amongst celebrities. HD powders contain silica, and this is what reflects the light. However, apply it too heavily and you will be left with a baby powder-white face in any photos. OROGOLD recommends only using HD powders on the parts of your face that contain moisture, such as your T-zone, as this will enable it to fully absorb into the skin, giving you the flawless finish you desire.

While there are many makeup tricks for each of the different skin types, these are some that we can all use, no matter what your skin tone or type may be. From understanding color theory to knowing how to cover up your under eye circles, these makeup tricks will no doubt come in handy.

Easy Tricks to Waterproof Your Makeup This Summer

As gorgeous as your makeup may look at the beginning of the day, chances are, if you have spent time by the pool or at the beach, it won’t stay this way for long. OROGOLD has put together some easy tricks to help you to waterproof your makeup this summer, so that you can be sure that you will be coming out of the water as picture-perfect as you looked when you went in.

Beautician applying primer on a woman's face.

Use a Primer
Before applying your foundation, OROGOLD recommends using a primer. This will prevent your skin from looking shiny due to the heat, and will also ensure that your makeup stays on for much longer. If you are planning on wearing color around your eyes, make sure you use an eyelid primer as well.

Woman choosing the right shade for her foundation.

Cream Instead of Powders
When you wear powder-based makeup, this always has the risk of your makeup smudging or running, so stick to cream-based formulas when it comes to your foundation, blush and eyeshadows. However, OROGOLD reminds you that not all cream-based makeup products are created equally, so look for formulas that contain a combination of cream and gel and are not too slippery. Those of you who find that your waterproof eyeliner never seems to stay put may want to try using a black colored cream eyeshadow as an eyeliner, as this may give you longer lasting results.

Woman applying lipstick

Lipstick Instead of Lip Gloss
Since lip gloss is wetter and stickier than lipstick, it can tend to run, which makes lipstick a better choice for the days that you require waterproof makeup. OROGOLD recommends using your finger to tap your lipstick onto your lips, infusing the color into your skin rather than just laying it on top, as this means that there is less chance of it washing off or fading.

Woman using a brow pencil to define her eyebrows.

Wax-Based Brow Pencil
Nobody wants smudged eyebrows, but that can easily happen when you use a colored brow pencil or powdered color. Instead, OROGOLD recommends using a wax-based brow pencil. If you don’t fill in your brows but just want to keep them in shape, a clear wax-based brow pencil will do the job perfectly.

Woman touching her lips

Don’t Touch
When it comes down to it, what really smudges your makeup isn’t just water alone, but the combination of water plus pressure. It can be extremely tempting to give your face a quick wipe to clear it of any excess moisture or sweat, but this will only cause your makeup to run even more. Instead, carefully blot off any excess water, using oil absorbing sheets if your face tends to get oily, and this should keep your makeup looking pristine.

There are plenty of different waterproof makeup options available, although some of them will work much better than others. OROGOLD suggests doing a bit of research before investing in a new waterproof product, checking online reviews as well as trying the product out on yourself before purchasing. The right products, along with OROGOLD’s makeup tricks, will keep your makeup waterproof throughout the summer.

Makeup Tips From Your Fav Celebs – OROGOLD Reviews

With teams of professional makeup artists getting them ready for every single close-up, it is no surprise that celebrities are able to pick up some of the most useful makeup tips. OROGOLD brings you makeup tips from your favorite celebrities.

Woman applying lip balm.

Foundation on Your Lips
When going for a new look, after applying foundation to your face, apply some to your lips as well, to slightly neutralize the color. This tip, which comes from Kim Kardashian’s makeup artist, ensures that any color that you apply on top of the foundation, be it a bright lipstick or a shiny lip gloss, will last for much longer. Another tip when applying your foundation is to use a damp brush rather than a dry one, spritzing it with a bit of water, as this makes the foundation look much more natural.

Woman applying a concealer

Concealer Shade
Often, when using a concealer that is slightly lighter than your foundation, it shows up in photos, with the flash bouncing off the concealer. To avoid this, make sure that your concealer is the same shade as your foundation, keeping everything even.

Closeup of a woman wearing colored eyeliner.

Brightly Colored Eyes
When you want to brighten up your face with a pop of color on your eyes, a brightly colored eye shadow can often seem slightly tacky. A top tip from makeup artist to Jennifer Lopez and Heidi Klum is to skip the eyeshadow and opt for a brightly colored eyeliner instead.

Closeup of a woman applying mascara.

Make Mascara Last for Longer
If your mascara is starting to dry up, there is an easy way to revitalize it rather than having to buy a new one. Add a few drops of saline solution into the tube, swirling the brush around to fully mix it in. This will add moisture to the mascara formula, reinvigorating it.

Beautiful woman buying cosmetics from a store. q

Test Your Lipstick
Before purchasing a new lipstick, it is essential to test out the shade against your skin tone, to make sure that it is a good match. Rather than using the back of your hand to test out new shades, use your fingertips, as the pads of your fingers resemble your lip color much more closely than the back of your hand.

Woman with thickbeautiful eyebrows

Thicker Eyebrows
Those of you with thin eyebrows are likely to find it tiresome having to touch them up each day, however, there is an easy way to thicken them. Apply a nourishing balm to your brows each night before going to bed, as this gives extra strength to brows, as well as stimulates them to grow faster, meaning that in just 2 weeks, you are likely to notice that your eyebrows have gotten thicker. This also will make them much easier to shape and style.

Celebrities are constantly being bombarded with makeup tips and advice, so it makes perfect sense to turn to them when we want to know what works best. When applying makeup, no matter which style you are going for, OROGOLD reminds you to always make sure that you are using clean brushes, and purchase a brush cleaner if you find it difficult to keep your brushes clean.