Makeup Tips From Your Fav Celebs – OROGOLD Reviews

With teams of professional makeup artists getting them ready for every single close-up, it is no surprise that celebrities are able to pick up some of the most useful makeup tips. OROGOLD brings you makeup tips from your favorite celebrities.

Woman applying lip balm.

Foundation on Your Lips
When going for a new look, after applying foundation to your face, apply some to your lips as well, to slightly neutralize the color. This tip, which comes from Kim Kardashian’s makeup artist, ensures that any color that you apply on top of the foundation, be it a bright lipstick or a shiny lip gloss, will last for much longer. Another tip when applying your foundation is to use a damp brush rather than a dry one, spritzing it with a bit of water, as this makes the foundation look much more natural.

Woman applying a concealer

Concealer Shade
Often, when using a concealer that is slightly lighter than your foundation, it shows up in photos, with the flash bouncing off the concealer. To avoid this, make sure that your concealer is the same shade as your foundation, keeping everything even.

Closeup of a woman wearing colored eyeliner.

Brightly Colored Eyes
When you want to brighten up your face with a pop of color on your eyes, a brightly colored eye shadow can often seem slightly tacky. A top tip from makeup artist to Jennifer Lopez and Heidi Klum is to skip the eyeshadow and opt for a brightly colored eyeliner instead.

Closeup of a woman applying mascara.

Make Mascara Last for Longer
If your mascara is starting to dry up, there is an easy way to revitalize it rather than having to buy a new one. Add a few drops of saline solution into the tube, swirling the brush around to fully mix it in. This will add moisture to the mascara formula, reinvigorating it.

Beautiful woman buying cosmetics from a store. q

Test Your Lipstick
Before purchasing a new lipstick, it is essential to test out the shade against your skin tone, to make sure that it is a good match. Rather than using the back of your hand to test out new shades, use your fingertips, as the pads of your fingers resemble your lip color much more closely than the back of your hand.

Woman with thickbeautiful eyebrows

Thicker Eyebrows
Those of you with thin eyebrows are likely to find it tiresome having to touch them up each day, however, there is an easy way to thicken them. Apply a nourishing balm to your brows each night before going to bed, as this gives extra strength to brows, as well as stimulates them to grow faster, meaning that in just 2 weeks, you are likely to notice that your eyebrows have gotten thicker. This also will make them much easier to shape and style.

Celebrities are constantly being bombarded with makeup tips and advice, so it makes perfect sense to turn to them when we want to know what works best. When applying makeup, no matter which style you are going for, OROGOLD reminds you to always make sure that you are using clean brushes, and purchase a brush cleaner if you find it difficult to keep your brushes clean.

Top Night Care Tricks to Wake Up Gorgeous – OROGOLD Reviews

Everyone has their own morning beauty regime, but there are always those mornings when you’re strapped for time and can’t spare the 20 minutes it takes to get your face ready. OROGOLD brings you some of our top night care tricks to help you wake up looking radiant and gorgeous, saving you precious time in the mornings.

Woman removing her makeup.

All-in-One Makeup Remover
After a long day, it is all to easy to crawl into bed and forget about taking off your makeup, as well as cleansing your face. However, this can have consequences, as any makeup and dirt that is on your face will sink into your pores, stretching them out and making them much more visible. To make things simpler at nights, look for an all-in-one makeup remover, that not only removes makeup but also cleanses your face at the same time. Not only will you wake up with fresh, glowing skin, but your skin will also be much more receptive to any products that you use the next morning.

Woman in a spa with a bottle of facial oil next to her. q

Retinol-Infused Facial Oil
Oils are able to penetrate the skin much better than other products, meaning that their active ingredients are much more potent. For a boost of overnight radiance, try applying a drop of a retinol-infused facial oil to your face before sleeping. Retinol, which comes from vitamin A, increases cell turnover, meaning that dry, dead skin is shed faster, leaving you with glowing skin beneath. OROGOLD recommends only using an intensive retinol product at night, as retinol can often make the skin more sensitive to the sun.

Woman applying eye gel on her under-eye area.

Eye Gel With Green Tea Extracts
In addition to being a powerful antioxidant, green tea also boosts the circulation and blood flow, making it the ideal extract to use around the eyes. In addition to this, green tea also reduces inflammation, meaning that you wake up with bright eyes, feeling more refreshed than ever.

Woman removing a face mask.

Sleep Mask
An overnight sleep mask is a great way to give your skin the attention that it deserves, and most likely needs. While you sleep, the skin repairs more cells than while you are awake, meaning that any products that you use at night are likely to be more effective than if you were to use them during the day. Rather than going through your night time beauty routine every night, choose a few nights a week where you simply apply an overnight face mask after cleansing your face. OROGOLD suggests looking for a mask that contains avocado oil, as this will not only thoroughly hydrate your skin, but will also give your body a boost of powerful antioxidants.

Your skin is something that you should always be taking the best possible care of. However, here at OROGOLD, we completely understand that all too often, people end up too busy and too tired to give their skin the attention that it requires. Our night care tricks will not only have you looking absolutely gorgeous in the mornings, but will make sure that your skin gets all of the nourishment and hydration that it needs.