Five Reasons to Try Vegetarian

While the popularity of vegetarianism is rapidly on the rise, there are some who still feel as though giving up meat would be too big of a sacrifice to make. However, there are so many benefits that come with a vegetarian diet, so here are five reasons to persuade you to give vegetarianism a try.


Slow Down the Aging Process
A study recently published in the British Medical Journal discovered that vegetarians outlive meat eaters by up to six years, which is hardly surprising considering all of the nutrients that come with a plant-based diet. Not only are these rich in fiber, but they are alo high in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, all of which play individual roles in slowing down the aging process. In addition to this, a plant-based diet can also prevent, as well as reverse, certain chronic diseases, giving vegetarians a longer, and healthier, life.

Prevent the Three Biggest Killers
Heart disease is the number one killer out there, with cancer and strokes being the second and third, but a healthy, well-balanced vegetarian diet is able to protect the body from all three of these. In fact, doctors have even had success in unclogging arteries and reversing heart disease purely by prescribing a vegan diet.

Woman with ferret

Support the Environment
Countless studies have shown, and the United Nations has also confirmed, that eating meat is the reason behind some of the most serious environmental problems that we face today. For example, the meat industry is responsible for 40% more greenhouse gases than all of the cars, trucks and planes in the world combined, and are also linked to everything from land degradation to water pollution to climate change to loss of biodiversity.

Animal Welfare
While you may like to think that your meat has been raised on lush green pastures and happy farmyard homes, the reality is far from this, and if the general public really knew what happened in factory farms today, there would be many more vegetarians in the world. Animals that are commonly eaten, such as chickens and pigs, are actually known to be smarter than animals that are usually kept as pets, such as dogs and cats, so rather than supporting the abhorrent conditions that these creatures are kept in, give vegetarianism a try. It is believed that an individual who gives up meat is able to save around 100 animal lives each year, which is a good enough reason in itself for any true animal lover.

Woman standing on weighing scale

Weight Loss
More than two thirds of the general public are obese, but vegetarians on average tend to have a lower BMI, which is the measure of body fat, than meat eaters. Vegetarians are much less likely to be obese, and are significantly lighter than meat eaters, making vegetarianism the healthiest of weight loss diets.

As you can see, a vegetarian diet brings with it so many incredible benefits. Not only would you be making huge improvements to your own health, but you would also be supporting the world around you, so make 2017 the year in which you give vegetarianism a try.

Healthy Mind and Body

When it comes to enjoying a long and happy life, having a healthy mind and body is key. There is no longer a debate about the connection between the mind and the body, and, in order to truly enjoy your life, it is essential to keep both of these healthy.

Woman meditating

Daily Meditation
Meditation is a tool that can significantly boost both the mind as well as the body, and at the same time too. Studies have shown that just eight weeks of regular meditation not only helps people to feel calmer overall, but also results in changes in certain parts of the brain, including a growth in the areas that are responsible for empathy, stress regulation and memory. When it comes to the more physical aspects of the body, meditation has been linked to a decrease in a number of issues, from hypertension to depression to heart disease to addiction. If meditation is something new to you, do not feel intimidated by it. There are plenty of well-written guides online that explain the different meditation techniques that are best suited for beginners, so take a look and set aside some time today for your first meditation session.

Woman resting after exercise

Daily Exercise
Exercise is something else that benefits both the body and mind at the same time, and there have been plenty of studies throughout history that document the many benefits of daily exercise. Not only does physical activity help to slow down the aging of the body, but it also increases the brain’s ability to learn and adapt, while reducing stress and helping to eliminate depression. The daily exercise that you do can be chosen based on your interests. If you want something quick that you can do at home, take a look at aerobic exercises. However, if you like to be outdoors, and this in itself has its own additional benefits, then there are plenty of outdoor activities that will be able to get your heart racing.

Women laughing

When it comes to the connection between the mind and the body, laughter has managed to baffle researchers for many years, as it affects both in a unique way. A hearty belly laugh not only slows down the production of stress hormones within the body, but it also gives the immune system a good boost.

Woman sleeping

A Deep Sleep
When it comes to good health, the quality of your sleep is important to consider, as this affects both your body and your mind. A lack of quality sleep causes the body to fall out of balance, leading to a weaker immune system, weight gain, faster aging, and depression. A healthy sleep is achieved without the use of pharmaceuticals or alcohol, and, when you wake up in the morning, the vibrant feeling you experience will let you know that you have had some quality rest.

A healthy mind will lead to a healthy body, and vice versa, but there is nothing quite like tackling both at the same time. From meditation to laughter, these tips will ensure that your life is filled with health and happiness.

Breathing Tricks to Put You to Sleep in No Time – OROGOLD Reviews

In addition to causing some serious medical problems, including obesity, diabetes and a shorter life expectancy, a lack of sleep each night also results in dull, unhealthy skin. However, with all the technology that we are likely to have in our bedroom, plus the stresses of everyday modern life, turning our minds off each night to go to sleep can often be difficult. Rather than tossing and turning for hours each night, or even turning to medication, OROGOLD brings you some breathing tricks to try, that will have you fast asleep in no time at all.

Woman practicing pranayama before going to bed.

The 4-7-8 Technique
The 4-7-8 technique is a relaxing breathing exercise that is based on the ancient Indian practice, Pranayama. In addition to helping you fall asleep, you will notice other great changes in your body if you practice the technique every day, such as a decrease in anger and food cravings, improved digestion and lower stress levels. To begin with, press the tip of your tongue onto the roof of your mouth, right behind your front teeth, closing your mouth but maintaining that position with your tongue. Inhale slowly and quietly through your nose for 4 mental counts, and then hold your breath for 7 counts. Then, exhale completely from the mouth, around your tongue, for 8 counts. This counts as one breath. Repeat this 3 more times, so that you have done 4 cycles in total, and you should then notice a more relaxed state of mind. This form of slow, voluntary breathing has been proven to help to reset the nervous system, and also helps to clear the mind, being, in a way, another version of counting sheep.

Woman meditating on her bed.

Meditative Breathing
If you find that the main reason you find it difficult to fall asleep each night is because your mind just can’t seem to slow down, it may be time to take a few tips from meditation techniques. When it comes to clearing your mind for meditation, connecting with the rise and fall of each breath, and feeling where each breath flows in the body, is essential. Try this in bed at night, fully focussing on each breath, as this will relax any tense muscles, as well as help you to let go with any negative thoughts or stresses as you focus on exhaling each breath. Try to do this for 8 to 10 minutes each night in order to fully benefit from it.

Woman trying to sleep.

Breathe Through Your Nose
Many people find it more comfortable to breathe through their mouths at night, but this does not lead to the best sleep. Breathing through your mouth sends subconscious signals to your brain that your body is in distress, meaning that your mind will not be able to fully relax. However, breathing through your nose sends signals of homeostasis and relaxation to your brain, ideal for helping you to fall asleep much faster.

OROGOLD highly recommends taking the time to solve any sleep problems, as sleep deprivation can have severe consequences. Breathing and yoga exercises have been proven to relax the body and mind, and by practicing them on a regular basis, you will not only solve your sleep problems, but will also be able to reduce the overall stress levels in your body.