Protecting Your Family from Cleaning Compounds

Woman cleaning house

When it comes to keeping a house clean, most people tend to turn to commercial cleaning products. However, many of these can actually be quite toxic, producing fumes that can irritate the eyes, lungs, and heart. While it is possible to make your own cleaning products, commercial cleaners are sometimes unavoidable, so, if this is the case for you, you need to know how to protect your family from the damaging compounds that are released.

Keep Your Home Ventilated
In order for fumes to be able to leave your home, you need to keep your home well-ventilated. This means keeping all of your windows open and placing fans in strategic positions around your house to optimize the air flow.

Do Not Mix Cleaning Products
While it may be tempting to mix a few different cleaning products together, especially if they are all designed to target different types of dirt, this can be extremely dangerous. The different ingredients in said products can end up reacting with one another, causing fumes that are even more toxic than they would have been.

Family walking dog in park

Spend Some Time in Nature
If you have just given your house a deep clean with commercial cleaning products, then it is likely that your family will have already inhaled these toxic fumes. A great way to clear these from your lungs while giving them a chance to dissipate from your house is by taking a walk in nature, as this enables your lungs to pump in fresh oxygen while pumping out the chemicals. However, make sure that you choose an area that contains plenty of green trees and plants, and spend at least one to two hours there.

Drink Water and Leafy Greens
As you likely already know, water flushes out the system, meaning that you can reduce the toxicity of any chemicals inhaled by drinking extra water to dilute them and wash them out. In addition to water, you should also be juicing leafy greens and drinking those, as these are great for detoxing the system and will help to move any chemicals out of your body.

Mother pouring orange juice for daughter

Vitamin C
In the same way that vitamin C protects the body from colds and the flu and speeds up healing when these illnesses do occur, it is also able to help protect the body from any damaging effects that the cleaning chemical compounds may have. Whether you give your family vitamin C supplements or simply increase their intake of fresh foods that contain vitamin C, this is a great antioxidant to have on your side.

Check the Label
When purchasing cleaning products, always remember to check the label, as this will give you some idea of exactly how toxic the product is. If it states that the product’s vapors are harmful, then try to find an alternative product to use.

Commercial cleaning products can be so dangerous, and the best way to protect your family from them is by using products that are natural and safe. If you cannot find these at your local store, try making some yourself, as effective cleaning ingredients, such as vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice, are easily available everywhere.

Hawaii’s Flowers and Symbolism

Each Hawaii island is wonderfully diverse, and the same can be said for the state’s flowers. From the state flower of the hibiscus to the sweetly scented plumeria, these are some of Hawaii’s most beautiful flowers, along with the symbolic meanings behind them.

Hibiscus flower and extract

The hibiscus was first adopted by Hawaiians as their Territorial flower in the 1920’s, and, in 1988, Hawaii’s legislature legally stated that the yellow hibiscus was now the official flower of the state. While only five hibiscus species are actually native to Hawaii, other varieties were brought in over the years and hybrids that were unique to the islands were soon created. In general, the hibiscus signifies beauty, but the way in which they are worn can allude to different meanings. When worn behind the left ear, the hibiscus shows that the woman wearing it is married, while if it is worn behind the left ear, then that is a sign that the woman is single.

Crown Flower
Signifying royalty, the crown flower resembles a crown when the petals of the blossoms are rolled back, which is what gave the flower its name. The flower was also a favorite of the last queen of Hawaii, Queen Liliuokalani.

Red Ginger flower

Red Ginger
The spiraled red ginger plant boasts vibrant red spiky blossoms, similar to that of a pineapple’s pointed foliage. The meanings behind the flower focus on wealth and diversity, which is why they are often used in flower arrangements intended for gifts, as well as window displays in homes around the state.

The sweetly-scented plumeria has a number of positive meanings, from birth and love to perfection and new beginnings. Since they are so fragrant, only royalty used to be allowed to wear them, but they are now cultivated in abundance in Hawaii and are commonly used in leis.


There are four varieties of orchid that are native to Hawaii, and these grow so abundantly here that Big Island, with its many orchid farms, is often nicknamed Orchid Isle. The blooms cultivated here are mostly for export, but the orchid is widely loved across the state. These bright flowers are often given as a 14th wedding anniversary present, and, in ancient Greece, signified virility. Today in Hawaii, the orchid symbolizes luxury and the refinement of beauty, which is not a surprise when you take a close look at just how exquisite these flowers are.

Queen Emma Lily
The Queen Emma lily is another flower that is associated with Hawaiian royalty, as it was a favorite of Queen Emma, the wife of King Kamehameha IV. While the flower may be native to the Seychelles and Mauritius, it is grown quite widely across the Hawaiian islands for its elegant beauty.

Hawaii is packed with stunning blooms, with different varieties of flowers blossoming at different points throughout the year, ensuring that the islands are always filled with bursts of color. Flowers have always been a huge part of life on the Hawaiian islands, and this is a part of their culture that the locals will never let go of.

Arizona’s Natural Wonders

Home to some truly incredible spectacles of nature, Arizona is a state that you should most definitely visit if you want to see some of the most beautiful natural formations in the country. From world-famous natural wonders to lesser known hidden gems, OROGOLD takes a look at Arizona’s natural wonders.

Grand Canyon.

Grand Canyon
The Grand Canyon is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World – a huge slash in the earth’s surface that allows us to see almost two billion years of the planet’s geological history right in front of our eyes. It is almost possible to imagine the turbulent journey that this planet has gone through when you’re standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon, and it is definitely a humbling experience. There are many different ways that you can explore the Grand Canyon, from a guided tour to an adrenaline-filled hike to a rafting trip, so take the time to explore the different options available.

Petrified Forest National Park

Petrified Forest National Park
Petrified wood is a tree, or a tree-like plant, that has been completely turned to stone, fossilizing its remains. Arizona’s Petrified Forest National Park is known for its large deposits of petrified wood, with the park covering a total area of around 170 square miles. There are roads that can take you to all areas of the park, but OROGOLD would recommend choosing from one of the hundreds of footpaths, so that you can enjoy finding these pieces of petrified wood, fossils and other ancient clues that point back to the beginnings of our planet.

Kartchner Caverns
The Kartchner Caverns were discovered in 1974, and is a ‘live’ cave that boasts a number of unique features, including the longest stalactite formation in the world. OROGOLD suggests taking a guided tour, as this is the best way to fully explore this amazing underground world, learning about the delicate ecosystem of these limestone caves. The Discovery Center is also worth a visit, with many interactive displays teaching you more about the Kartchner Caverns and how they were discovered, and, of course, don’t forget about a visit to the gift shop so that you can take a small souvenir home with you.

Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend
Horseshoe Bend is one of the most photographed parts of the Colorado River, and for good reason. This horseshoe-shaped meander is part of the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, meaning that there is a road leading up to it. It is also accessible via a hiking trail, but OROGOLD advises that you only take this route if you are well-prepared, as the heat and the steep incline can be too much for many people. To really take in the beauty of Horseshoe Bend, you could also join a rafting expedition, with a wide variety to cater to different time scales, or even take a helicopter ride, to enjoy the spectacular views from above.

Almost everywhere that you go in Arizona, you will be faced with incredible natural beauty. From magnificent rock formations to unique native plants to cascading waterfalls to colorful slot canyons, you could easily spend a lifetime exploring and appreciating all of Arizona’s many natural wonders.