Add a Digital Detox to Your Summer Getaway

Woman poolside

The average person checks their phone about 200 times a day, making that once every six and a half minutes. While a digital detox is a great way to overcome becoming a slave to your smartphone, the concept is frightening for many, so here are a few tips to ease you into it and set you up for success.

Set an Allowance
Many experts believe that a digital detox is something that people should ease themselves into in order to really succeed at it. For this reason, you should set yourself a daily technology allowance for all of your devices, beginning this well before your summer getaway. By restricting yourself in this way, you will be far more encouraged to spend time enjoying the real world once you have used up your allowance. However, make sure that you set an achievable allowance to begin with, for example, no devices on your lunch break, or in the bedroom at night, before building it up from here.

A Detox Buddy
Difficult tasks are always much easier when you have someone by your side, which is why a detox buddy could really come in handy this summer. Ideally, choose someone who you will be spending your summer getaway with, because this way, you will be able to support each other all the way through and keep up with each other’s progress. If you are travelling with a group of people, give phone stacking a try. This is where you all put your phones in a stack in one place and move on to do another activity. The first person who takes their phone from the pile then has to do a forfeit, whether this may be cleaning up after everyone else or buying dinner that night.

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Leave Your Gadgets at Home
While the thought of travelling without all of your gadgets may seem frightening, this is one way to ensure that you do not slip up on your digital detox. If you have planned this well in advance, with set allowances in previous months and a detox buddy to travel with, you are likely to be much more receptive to the idea when the time comes.

Digital Detox Retreats
If you feel as though you may need some extra help when it comes to your digital detox, it could be worth looking into an organized digital detox retreat. These retreats tend to be held in areas of outstanding natural beauty, as this tends to really open the eyes of participants and make them see all that they have been missing while their eyes have been glued to their phones. They will also offer a schedule of physical activities, and help with setting yourself some personal boundaries when it comes to technology for when you return home.

While a digital detox may seem like a drastic move, it actually brings with it so many different benefits. From reducing depression and anxiety to increasing work productivity, these are just a few of the reasons as to why you should give a digital detox a try this summer.

Fashion Week Nederland

Fashion Show in Amsterdam

Gertan /

Fashion Week Nederland is held twice a year, in January and July. While the events have been hosted for over ten years now, they have only recently gained international recognition, and this is all thanks to the way in which the organization has managed to reposition itself in the marketplace. Rather than focusing on established international brands, Fashion Week Nederland puts an emphasis on true originality and exclusivity, with the majority of showcased designers being Dutch or Belgian. By doing this, Fashion Week Nederland serves as a platform for fashion talent for the new generation, bringing them a contemporary approach to luxury that is very much in demand.

Mercedes-Benz FashionWeek Amsterdam
In order to really be able to bridge the gap between commerce and creativity, Fashion Week Nederlands has four different programs, with Mercedes-Benz FashionWeek Amsterdam being one of the most highly anticipated ones. This is where you will find the hottest catwalk shows from both established and up and coming designers, attracting the attention of buyers and press from all over the world. For those of you who are hoping to catch some of the shows but do not think you will be able to make it to Amsterdam this July, Mercedes-Benz FashionWeek Amsterdam makes use of the latest technology, with all of their shows available in real time via live streaming.

Mercedes-Benz FashionWeek Amsterdam Off Schedule
MBFWA Off Schedule is the side of Fashion Week Nederland that focuses on culture, merging this with fashion at a variety of venues around the city. From theater to dance to photography to history, different events are hosted all over the city over a period of ten days, making this an extremely exciting time to be visiting Amsterdam.

Fashion LAB
One of the missions of Fashion Week Nederland is to make a contribution to the fashion innovation that occurs within the country, and Fashion LAB is their way of doing this. In collaboration with Vodafone, Fashion LAB is a program that runs throughout the year, consisting of lectures, seminars, workshops and presentations to assist and encourage young designers. This all culminates every January and July with catwalk shows, giving the public the opportunity to see this inspiring raw talent for themselves.

Fashion in Business
Fashion in Business focuses on companies that are passionate about fashion, whether they are actually in the fashion industry or not. Fashion in Business aims to bring together professionals from a wide range of disciplines, but each with a shared interest in the fashion business, and does this by organizing a variety of events throughout the year. By creating this exclusive fashion business community, Fashion Week Nederland is able to introduce entrepreneurs to a network that could prove to be crucial in determining their ultimate success.

Fashion Week Nederland puts a huge emphasis on supporting the Dutch fashion industry, and has gained worldwide recognition for its efforts. From facilitating inter-disciplinary collaborations to showcasing the work of young talented designers, Fashion Week Nederland has succeeded in putting Amsterdam in the running for becoming one of the next big fashion capitals of the world.