Nautical Home Design – OROGOLD Reviews

The beach-inspired nautical look is one style that never goes out of fashion, and looks great no matter where you live. ORO GOLD believes that bringing the spirit of the ocean into your home in a stylish and classy way is much easier than you would think, and there are many different ways to go about doing so.

A blue colored interior for a nautical home.

A Nautical Color Scheme
Unlike many other home design themes, where you have to choose from a huge array of colors, decorating your home in a nautical style is much more simple. Marine blue is the main color that you should be looking for. White is also essential to balance out the blue, and green accents also help to enhance the dreamy ocean atmosphere. When picking out certain home accessories, such as rugs and other textiles, geometric white and blue patterns will always bring a nautical feel to the room, without looking over the top. Blue is also great as a paint color for your walls, and can be accented with white edges to keep the room looking fresh.

Picture of a kitten hiding behind a piece of driftwood.

Driftwood is wood that has been washed onto shore by the tide, and is always spectacularly textured, with every piece being unique. Many artists use driftwood to create impressive sculptures, both large and small, as well as many other objects that can be used around the house, from shelves to seats.

Beach Decor
Bringing beach inspired décor into your home is always fun, as you have the option of finding the items yourself rather than having to purchase everything from shops. Shells are a fun addition to any home, but need to be properly cleaned, and even varnished, if you have collected them yourself. There are many ways to display them, from lining them up on shelves and tabletops to stringing them up along a wall. You can also fill glass vases of any size with layers of sand, pebbles and shells, bringing the beach into your home in a clean and sophisticated manner.

Nautical Motifs
Nautical motifs, such as sea creatures and anchors, are an obvious choice when designing your home in a nautical style. They are a great addition to any home, but need to be kept quite subtle. Choosing cushions with nautical motifs printed on them are a good option, as are framed paintings or photographs that feature sea-related images.

Picture of lit candles and seashells.

Recycled Sailing Objects
Re-using old sailing objects as decorative items is a unique and creative way to add some nautical style to your home. Old sails can be turned into fabric coasters, and since the material is already waterproof, you don’t have to worry about staining them. Rope is also used on all sorts of boats, and can make a great addition to any home when used in the right way. Wrap clean white rope around large candles to create beautifully textured candle holders, or wind some rope around a simple mirror, leaving extra length at the end so that the rope can be used to hang the mirror up on a wall.

With a bit of creativity, incorporating the essence of the beach and the ocean into your home is simple, as well as fun. Keep obvious motifs subtle, and make use of sea-inspired colors and textures. Look for inspirations in all aspects of the ocean, and you will find that you will soon be coming up with many unique ideas for your own personalized nautical style.

Get Ready for a Day at Sea – OROGOLD Reviews

Looking chic at sea can often be hard to achieve, as the hot sun and salt water sprays can play havoc on hair and makeup. To help you avoid this, OROGOLD Cosmetics has put together some great tips that you can use when getting ready for a day at sea, ensuring that you look and feel your best throughout the day.

Woman with natural makeup lying on a beach.

Makeup – Less is More
Wearing a full face of makeup is not usually a good idea if you are spending the day at sea, but, for many people, having a completely bare face is also not an appealing option. Instead, opt for a makeup look that is natural and as minimal as possible. Many products have SPF built in, meaning that they will protect your face whilst giving you a good base. A waterproof bronzing cream is a good product to give your face a golden glow. It is also important to protect your lips from the sun, to save them getting chapped, and a tinted lip balm or lip stain with SPF is a necessity. Avoid lip glosses, as these will just slide off your lips as soon as the water hits your face. When it comes to your eyes, avoid any heavy eyeliners. Find a good waterproof mascara, swiping it quickly through your lashes to give your eyes some definition without making it look as though you are wearing a thick layer. If you plan on being quite active in the water and don’t want to risk any black streaks on your face, then a clear mascara would probably be best.

Woman with a beautiful tan lying on a beach.

A Healthy Tan
It goes without saying that tanning your skin by lying in the sun is not going to do the quality of your skin any favors, but a bit of color can make the world of difference. An airbrush tanning spray would be the perfect solution, giving you a healthy looking tan without any of the dangers that come from exposing your skin to the sun. Purchase a lightweight formula that will not only set quickly but is also water and transfer resistant.

Beautiful model in a swimsuit with wet hair in an outdoor setting.

Hair Products
Salt water is one of your hair’s worst enemies as it dries it out extremely quickly. A leave-in conditioner will help to protect your hair from the water, keeping it healthy. You could also apply a conditioning mask the night before to towel-dried hair, before twisting it up into a bun. Let it down the next day for gorgeous natural-looking waves. The heat from the sun will also open up your hair cuticles, allowing the conditioner to penetrate deeper, saving you from a frizzy-haired nightmare. Don’t spend too long fixing your hair into an elaborate style, as it is likely to be quickly blown out of place. Keep your hair looking as natural as possible, embracing any curls or waves with a texturizing hairspray. A scarf is also useful, as you can tie this around your hair to keep it out of your face.

Looking stylish at sea is all about embracing your natural features. OROGOLD recommends you to always use products with a built in SPF, ensuring that your skin and hair will be protected. Try to avoid any complex styles, so that you will be able to fully enjoy your day without worrying that your hair and makeup might be out of place.