Practical Ideas for Organizing Your Home Office

Woman with dog

While working from home has so many benefits, keeping a home office organized can be quite the challenge in itself. If your home workspace could do with some help, here are a few practical ideas to inspire you.

Start Off Small
When working on organizing just about anything, it always helps to start off small, as tackling the whole office at once may end up overwhelming you to the point of you giving up. Start with one drawer, clearing this out and throwing away anything that you do not need any more, shredding anything that may contain important information. Once you have done this and the drawer is empty, add in some drawer organizers so that all of its contents will have their own place. After tackling one drawer, move on to the next, until all of your drawers are neat and tidy.

Enlarge Your Workspace
If excess clutter is not your problem, and a genuine lack of space is, there are a number of clever ways in which you can actually enlarge your workspace to give yourself some extra space. If you have a large computer monitor, try raising this up, so that all of the space underneath it becomes usable. Add in more vertical storages compartments around the room, and do not forget to utilize the space underneath your desk as well.

Woman at table

Spend 5 Minutes Tidying Every Evening
If you have been hard at work all day, then it is only natural that your workspace may end up quite messy by the evening. However, once this messiness begins to pile up, then that is where your problems will begin, meaning that it is essential that you prevent this from happening as much as possible. A simple way to do this is to spend five or ten minutes every evening straightening everything up, which has the added advantage of giving yourself a clean workspace to work from the next morning.

A Printing Station
If you use your printer quite often, then setting up a printing station may be something that really helps you to keep everything organized. Rather than keeping your printer in the middle of your desk, set up a smaller table to the side for your printer, as well as all of its accessories.

Cleared desk

Clear Your Entire Desk For a Week
While clearing everything off of your desk may seem like a frightening prospect, this can really help you to work out exactly what you need, as well as where each item should go. Keep a large cardboard box by your desk and put everything into this. Then, carry on working as normal. Each time you need an item from the box, take it out and place it in the most logical spot on your desk. By the end of the week, everything that you need on a daily basis will be on your desk in an optimum place, and everything that can be stored elsewhere will still be in the box.

Keeping your home office well-organized can really help so much when it comes to productivity. While tackling a messy home office can seem quite daunting, these are all practical tips that are easy to put into action, and will make a huge difference once they have been carried out.

Cleaning and Organizing Tips to Help You Achieve Your New Year’s Goals

Resolving to be tidier and more organized is extremely common at the start of the year, but the trouble begins when it comes time to begin putting this resolution into action. For those who want to ensure that they stick to their New Year’s goals this year, here are some top tips to help you out.

Woman looking in closet
Know How to De-Clutter
The first step to staying organized is knowing how to de-clutter, especially at the start of the year after your house has been filled with a mountain of new items over the festive season. Regular purging is an absolute must, meaning that you should go from room to room and pick out items to donate to charity, as well as items to bin. To make this slightly easier, come up with a few small rewards for yourself for each bag of items that you donate or throw out, whether this be a tasty treat or a pamper session at the spa.

A Weekly Cleaning Schedule
While a weekly cleaning schedule may seem boring, this is the only way to really ensure that you stay on top of keeping your home in order. Designate the cleaning of particular rooms to specific nights, and also allocate fifteen minutes or so every evening to just tidy up in general around the house.

Woman organizing closet
Be Realistic
Unless you are naturally an extremely organized person, trying to encourage organization within your home can often seem quite daunting, which is why it is important to be realistic so that you set yourself up for success as much as possible. Rather than setting yourself one huge organization goal, split this up into smaller goals, such as de-cluttering one room of your house each month, or cleaning out one drawer or shelf a day.

One Job at a Time
Even if your goal is to de-clutter your bedroom, while organizing your kitchen, in the month of January, these two tasks should not be carried out at the same time. It is easy to find yourself pulled in many directions, but this will only leave you with half-finished tasks and even more disorganization than when you began. To avoid this, stick to one job at a time, and only move on to the next once the first one has been fully completed.

One of the problems that many have with sticking to New Year’s resolutions is that there is no one enforcing them and making sure that they are carried out. Since resolutions that you make to yourself are easy to ignore as the year progresses, find a friend, or even a group of friends, that share your organization goals, and hold each other accountable to this. This means that you not only have someone to support, encourage and help you, but celebrating your rewards together will also feel like even more of an accomplishment.

It can sometimes be too easy to give up on New Year’s resolutions, but these tips will help make staying organized feel slightly more doable. From setting yourself mini, easily-achievable goals, to leaning on your friends for support and encouragement, after a couple of months of committing yourself to be more organized, you will find that this slowly becomes much easier, and will soon turn into a natural habit.